The workshop was divided into two sessions. The first one consisted on educating us with various Japanese words we needed to get familiar with in case of another earthquake such as "evacuate" or "hinan". It also taught us how to identify key Japanese words on the TV or radio once an earthquake occurs to get informed. We did games such as Karuta and simulation to practice those words. It was very interactive.
Wanavi speakers Motoko and Mina
Karuta games
Emma from Wanavi with Lydia, Sangeetha and her daughter playing the Karuta games
Nane playing with other participants
In the second session, we learned how to use the national message program to leave or listen to messages of loved ones after an earthquake. We all practice calling the 171 number used in case of emergency. It is important to note that everyone can practice using the number only the 1st and 15th of every month.
Mina showing us the content of her emergency backpack
All these fit in one backpack
At the end we all left the workshop with a lot of knowledge and files on what kind of things we needed to have in our household to prepare for another earthquake.
After the workshop we all headed to Viron in Shiuya for lunch. We had great food particularly the decadent Cafe liegiois dessert which was coffee ice cream parfait with tons of cream and caramelized nuts. We could not even finish the delicious delicacy.
Sangeetha showing her welcoming gift
Nane, Lydia, Michelle and son, Sangeetha and Chafia
Lydia trying the decadent Cafe liegois at Viron (she just had one she could not even finish)
Overall we all had a great time. Wanavi as an orgaznisation was very accomodating to us and eating at Viron was just a delight.
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